Welcome to the Portal of the World's Largest Magical Organization
The International Brotherhood of Magicians is
the world’s largest organization dedicated to the art of magic, with
members in 88 countries. Since 1922, our official publication, The Linking Ring, has linked magicians throughout the world. Local branches of the I.B.M., known as Rings, meet each month in hundreds of locations. Our Annual Convention features top professional magicians in our spectacular evening shows. Each year, the I.B.M. Gold Medal Contest for stage magic and the I.B.M. Gold Cups Contest for close-up magic attract some of the best up-and-coming magicians from many different countries. Our organization is about having fun with magic, and we hope you will join us in becoming a member of the International Brotherhood of Magicians.
John Pye, International President
PROMOTED ARTICLES (Click headlines for more info, more stories below)
- TV show looking for magicians who can COOK!
we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at
Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.
please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment
term begins on september 1. we await your owl by later than july 31
your sincerely
The International Brotherhood of Magicians headquarters has received an e-mail from a casting producer for the hit Fox television show, "MasterChef." They are always looking for interesting people to be on their show, and the thought arose to them -- as they watched the magicians on "America's Got Talent" -- that a MAGICIAN should make an entertaining and interesting guest. Not only would this be a terrific publicity opportunity for any magician chosen -- not to mention for the magic world as a whole -- but there is a big cash prize at the end of the competition for the winner. Get all the details by reading the e-mail in its entirety.
As every magician knows, there is more magic in Las Vegas, Nevada than in any other location in the world. Oh yes, there are multiple magic shows in other places -- like Branson, Missouri and the Pigeon Forge, Tennessee areas. But nowhere else are there as many magicians, magic shows, and shows with magic, than in Las Vegas. So it should be of widespread interest to magicians around the world, to read this monthly list compiled by David Neubauer. Thank you, David, for providing this important service.
News You Can Use
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- The September 2012 issue of The Linking Ring marks the 90th anniversary of the oldest and largest circulation magic magazine in the world. As the official publication of the International Brotherhood of Magicians (I.B.M.), the magazine has been reporting all-things magic -- news, features, photos, columns, obituaries, advertisements, reviews, etc. -- for over nine decades. I.B.M. members can access the magazine via PDF and digital versions, as well as receive the traditional hard copy by regular mail. This issue is the first of several which will commemorate this historical and significant event. The cover features whole and parts of forty-one covers; inside are even more. At 180 pages, this is one of the largest issues in some time.
This is the Broken Wand which will be published in the September issue of The Linking Ring. We publish it now to give readers advance notice of these deaths, in case they want to be in touch with survivors. A special note: there are TWO (2) obituaries for William (Bill) H. Robinson. These are two different people, with different middle names. Interestingly, they both were members of the Raleigh, North Carolina Ring at one time.
If this is August, it must be John Calvert's birthday. And it is -- his ONE HUNDRED AND FIRST! His actual birthday was August 5, which we noted last year when he reached ONE HUNDRED years old. We understand he gave an interview at the Magic Castle to an enthusiastic audience, and will be signing autographs in San Diego, among other appearances.
The 84th Annual Convention of the International Brotherhood of Magicians came to a close sometime after midnight, July 7, after five days of wall-to-wall magic. Appropriately, Day Five of the convention was packed with over sixteen hours of magic, including a special breakfast, two lectures, six teach-in sessions, (given twice); a special panel discussion, a youth show, the awards presentation, the Stars of Magic Show, and a Farewell Party, including a Strolling Olympics. Whew!
At a special Awards Ceremony, Saturday, July 7, 2012, Contest Chairman Oscar Munoz, announced the winners. The announcements were made at the Chrysler Hall Theatre, in Norfolk, Virginia, where the 84th Annual Convention of the I.B.M. has been taking place all week.
“Contests” was the name of the day for Friday, Day Four of the 84th Annual I.B.M. Convention. The Close-up Competition was held early afternoon, and the finalists of the Stage Competition were featured on the Gold Medal Show during the evening. In between there were more lectures, the Third Round of the Big Three Event, a Board of Trustees meeting, a special youth session and a pizza party, and even an Autograph Session by the stars. And throughout it all, the Dealers Room was open for seven hours today, a delightful place to buy and sell, to talk and share, and to gather with friends, new and old.
Day Three of the I.B.M. Annual Convention was full, from dawn to dark. Scheduled were three lectures, special events for youth and spouses, a business meeting, and a very special evening show. The day began with a special breakfast for the youth. Then at 9:30, the second rotation of the Big Three Event took place, again featuring Close-up Performances; Paul Gertner’s “Ten Fingers;” and Wayne Houchin’s lecture.
Day Two of the 84th Annual I.B.M. Convention was the first full day; Day One started at noon yesterday. People continued to arrive all day, but the majority of attendees were signed in and ready to go by the first events, at 9:30 a.m. The day was full, with three lectures, the first set of Big Three Events, special spouse and youth events., and the Grand Banquet, with a double-header of performances. And to top off the day, there were spectacular fireworks on this Fourth of July. WOW!
This is the first of five reports -- over five days -- of the 84th Annual Convention of the International Brotherhood of Magicians, July 3-7, 2012, in Norfolk, Virginia. Check back here late each evening (or the next morning) to read about some of the highlights of the day, as well as see a selection of some of the photos taken by the convention’s official photographer, Michael Messing. And be reminded that all photos are copyrighted by the I.B.M.
A PDF edition of the printed program for the annual convention of the International Brotherhood of Magicians is now available for download for your laptop, tablet, or smartphone. This year's program contains brief biographies and photos of all thirty-one performers and lecturers, plus special articles about the I.B.M. charitable activities, the Convention's Guest of Honor, and messages from your International President and President-Elect. Online registration for the convention has now closed, but it's not too late to make the trip to Norfolk and register on site for the Greatest Annual Magic Convention in the World, July 3-7, in Norfolk, Virginia.
Among the forty-eight acts which made the live finalists shows for NBC's 2012 America's Got Talent television show, are two magic acts, an escape artist, and a mind-reader. One of the magic acts -- Hawley Magic -- will perform at the I.B.M. Convention in Norfolk. Hawley Magic is Jonathan and Trisha Hawley.Here is how the NBC Website describes each of these four "magic" acts:HAWLEY MAGIC
When Gustavo Populos Meza, 83, of Tampico, Mexico, died May 23, 2012, we learned that -- in addition to being a magician -- he was a respected poet, known as "Mr. Karlo," having written over 300 unpublished poems. One of those poems was entitled "Gentlemen of Magic," and we reprint it here in its entirety for your enjoyment.
Last June I wrote two special columns on the I.B.M. Convention -- one telling you what you should BRING WITH YOU to the convention, and the other HOW TO GET THE MOST OUT OF THE CONVENTION. Rather than write them again, or even cut and paste them, you can benefit from both by scrolling down to the BLOGS & COLUMNS heading below, and then down to the Dennis Anyone columns with these titles. Enjoy.
Welcome to the newest I.B.M. RIng, Ring 386!
The Abbott-Watson Magic Club received its Charter into The International Brotherhood of Magicians (I.B.M.) on June 21, 2012, at FAB Magic Company, 212 E. State Street, Colon, MI 49040. The I.B.M. is the largest magicians organization (www.magician.org) worldwide with magic clubs called "Rings" in countries from Argentina to Zimbabwe.(READ MORE)
The Linking Ring and the I.B.M. Web Portal are both looking for help in gathering information for several topics about magic. At any given time, we have a dozen or more writers in various stages of researching and writing such stories. The following are some of the stories someone is working on, and we would appreciate it if anyone with something to contribute on any or all of them, would get in touch with the person designated.
I.B.M. Portal Advertising Manager BJ Hickman has been at it again -- working his magic to give advertisers more BANG for their Bucks -- More SIZZLE for their Steaks. Scroll down to the bottom of this page to see a new concept -- a "Box of Buttons" -- some of our leaders in magic. Click on each ad. To include YOUR ad, contact BJ at advertising@magician.org.
By Jason Goldberg
It feels like my birthday a few times each year when I receive a new box filled with what producers hope will be the “latest and greatest,” the creations they want to share with the magic fraternity. Sometimes they are great, and sometimes they turn out like that sweater we all want to exchange.(READ MORE)
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